Typical case of mosaic warts.
Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); The virus causes skin to grow faster than usual, forming a bump. Though HPV is contagious, touching someone with warts does not mean the other person will definitely catch the virus. It depends on the particular strain of HPV and on the strength of a person immune system. Breaks or cuts in the skin may make infection more likely.
Warts can develop anywhere on the foot, but typically appear on the bottom of the foot (plantar side). Plantar warts grows deep into the skin, were usually this growth occurs slowly.
Two common types of plantar warts are:
Solitary warts is a single wart. It often increases in size and may eventually multiply, forming additional “satellite” warts.
Mosaic warts are cluster of several small warts growing closely together in one area; mosaic warts are usually more difficult to treat than solitary warts.

Solitary Warts Treatment

The FOX laser is commonly used as a final step in procedure, to accurately burn remaining tissue/ leftover infected cells; the laser intense power is able to vaporize viruses and destroy infected cells.
The FOX laser advantage is that it doesn’t cause extensive tissue damage, it’s precision optical hand pieces are designed to target only very small areas and allow for superior precision and minimal tissue damage (as well as faster healing).

Mosaic Warts Treatment
Coagulation is a non-ablative treatment, achieved by applying focused laser radiation, which dry the wart by coagulating its capillaries; laser radiation eradicate the Papilloma virus, since IR laser radiation causes intense heat at a sub dermis level.
The dried tissue will separate from the healthy tissue underneath and fall off during the following days. In some cases blistering may appear, which promote the healing process.
Regardless of the treatment approaches undertaken, warts may return requiring further treatment. If there is no response to treatment, further diagnostic evaluation may be necessary. In such cases, the surgeon can perform a biopsy to rule out other potential causes for the growth. Although there are many folk remedies for warts, patients should be aware that these remain unproven and may be dangerous.
Corns and IPK
Effective against highly fibrous Corns – Prevents Reformation

Plantar Callus (“Corn seed”, Clavus durus), is a very unpleasant and painful condition caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells that harden and thicken over an area of the foot.
Calluses are normally found on the ball-of-the-foot, the heel, and/or the inside of the big toe. Some calluses have a deep seated core known as a nucleation.
Currently there are various treatment options such as electrosurgery, cryosurgery, chemical agents (salicylic acid), and scalpel removal. Among the available therapeutic options, none are uniformly effective and most are associated with different limitations and side effects, like necrotic debris.

Scraping excess skin prior to laser treatment.
Treatment is aimed to minimize recurrences, by successfully coagulating the small vessels that feed the area. In deep corns and IPK, a surgical handpiece is commonly used for deeper areas, applying focused power while physically cauterizing and bleeding vessels.
The foot with Corn should be soaked in warm water with disinfecting solution, for approx. one hour.
Use local anesthesia around the callus with 4-6 radially distributed points of injection.
Remove / scrape excess skin.
Apply laser to corn root to stop bleeding and fully cauterize vessels.
Vascular Lesions
Telangiectasia, Spider Veins, Campbell De Morgans Spots

Typical case of foot Telangiectasia.
Telangiectasia are dilated small blood vessels, purple and red, found most commonly on the thighs or lower legs.
Telangiectasia are different from Spider veins their visual appearance, common location and the way they fill up after applying surface pressure. (Spider veins blanch with pressure, and refill again from the centre outwards).
During a typical coagulation treatment, laser radiation will absorb within the vessel resulting in visible color change – from red to light gray (for capillaries) or from blue to dark grey (small veins) ; these will indicate that a proper coagulation was performed.
The FOX laser is extremely effective in coagulating small lesions, as it’s infrared radiation effectively absorbs in hemoglobin (and oxyhemoglobin). The treatment is done with an optical handpiece that precisely focus the laser beam spot to absorb in the lesion.
Cooling and topical anesthesia are needed. A single treatment is usually sufficient to get rid from many common skin lesions. Treatment should not cause any pain or discomfort! if patient report on discomfort, more frequent cooling should be used. Results while usually evident immediately, will require approx. two weeks.

Some treatment may differ depending on wart type/and length of time one has had the wart




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