A register to confirm a nurse is eligible to practice in Ontario

This easy-to-use tool will provide you with detailed information about nurses in Ontario. It will tell you if a nurse is allowed to practice nursing in Ontario and if there are any restrictions on her or his practice. It will also provide important information about a nurse’s disciplinary history and business contact information.


National Competencies Of A Foot Care Nurse 

For some time, there has been confusion across Canada, and even within its Provinces and Territories, about the advanced practice of nursing foot care. Wide variations have existed in regard to what represents an adequate education program for these practitioners and there has been a lack of consistency in the practice of advanced nursing foot care from one jurisdiction to another, and even from one practitioner to another. This situation poses problems for the quality and consistency of advanced nursing foot care from one person to another and from one location to another. It has also created a conundrum as to how a national certification process can be developed without some indication of what is included in advanced nursing foot care education and practice.

Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses 

At this time there is no certification process for nursing foot care in Canada that is recognized by provincial regulatory bodies. CAFCN is in the process of developing national competencies, educational opportunities, and a certification process for foot care nurses across Canada.

CAFCN is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, any certification process currently being offered in Canada.

Diabetes Association

There are three major types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common diagnosis, followed by type 1 diabetes. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy, and is usually temporary. In addition, prediabetes is another important diagnosis that indicates an elevated risk of developing diabetes.