IN HOME Visits ( Covid Policy )

Arriving at patients home, prior to the scheduled visit * The Nurse shall apply all PPE’s prior to entering the patients home. ( Winter Months- PPE’s  will be donned and doffed in the main entrance closest to the door of entry) * Gown and Mask shall be donned per Public Health and Safety Guidelines and wipe down tool kit with appropriate antibacterial wipe. * Once PPE’s have been donned then the Nurse may enter the patients home, wash hands and accept payment for the service and pre book next visit. * Wash hands and apply gloves, carry out appointment as per Normal.

Once visit has been completed, dispose garbage with patient assist and ask if patient is able to open the front door ( touching the least amount of patient space as possible ), once outside doff PPE’s per Public Health and Safety Guidelines then place dirty reusable or disposable gowns in the proper disposable bin. * Place N95 Mask in your external garbage along with gloves. if mask is able to be reused, spray outer side with Bio text and place in an appropriate bag. *Wipe down tool kit with appropriate anti bacterial and re disinfect hands before entering your vehicle 🚗

IN CLINIC We have a max of 2 Nurses on at a time in clinic, please respect social distancing when in the clinic. If you are able, please leave family members in the car who do not have an appointment. You may be directed to wait in the education room down the hall to keep the main waiting area clear. We want to be able to have a direct flow in and out of the clinic.  Please, if you are able to take the stairs use the back door when your treatment has been completed.

Nurses will be in full PPE as always.

We will continue to make sure you are comfortable and feel safe. Erin and Manon ( ADMIN) will have a plastic barrier at the desk.   Admin wants to thank everyone for keeping your distance and respecting everyone’s space. You can continue to use the back stairs to leave if you are able to, this will avoid extra contact in the stairwell. We have a motion-activated hand sanitizer for the stairwell so hands can be washed prior and after your appointments. We would ask that if wearing gloves to your appointment makes you feel more comfortable that you PLEASE spray your gloves with our disinfectant before you enter the clinic. Unlike your hands being washed pre and post appointment, we have no clue what your gloves have touched before you have entered the clinic, this may help you protect yourself but puts everybody else at risk. A simple handwash will rid any viruses. We learn new things almost hourly with this new strain of Carona, but we do know that is weak on surfaces and can be killed with soap and water SO PLEASE continue to wash your hands after touching anything – Make sense? ** Nurses will have:  Gowns, Gloves, Masks and Goggles and/or visors depending on comfort levels.

Facilities and Clinics 

As per Ontario Health Guidelines – We are Essential Care Services.

Nurses at TiredSole™ going to facilitate care at facilities are tested for Covid- 19 weekly

Please be able answer the following questions: ( also attached to your confirmation and reminder appointment emails )

1. Have you been out of the Country in the last 14 days?
2. Have you experienced any symptoms – cough, fever, etc.?

Let’s all work together!
Hugs from our Team and be safe.

For global updates, please visit the World Health Organization website at:

Should I Be Tested for COVID-19?

Not feeling well and unsure if you need to be tested?
Find links to provincial self-assessment tools below to help you determine if you should be tested

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Covid Blog updates and changes