Off to a great strart and the class of nurses seem to be beyond excited to get this under their belt and begin a career as an Advanced Diabetic Foot Care Nurse.

The Canadian Association of Foot Care nurses just made public the National Standards for Foot Care in Canada and are continuing to work hard at Regulating it. Many Many programs across Canada with different lengths, infection controll practices and multiple theory based education is offered. My hopes is in the next year or so the National Standard of Foot Care will be Our Part 1 and 2 Course as we follow the outline to a “T” .

Stay tuned for the hands on clinical that we offer free 3 times a year  for our nurses to have multiple levels of hands on care before recieving their certificate.

ABPI Lower leg assessment for Compression Therapy

Types of Rotary Tools for Human use ( not from Home depot)

Our new Nurses Suited up
Protecting themselves and patients from cross contamination

CPC Foot Care in to teach Gold Standard in Infection control and the types tools

Jennifer RPN FCN Concentrating