Brittany works in the Clinic/ she takes Foot Care and Laser Apts through the day

Brittany RPN Advanced Diabetic Foot Care Nurse/ (right ) Serena is our Marketing Master who is top of her class

Welcome to TiredSole™ Complete Medical Foot Care Inc.


You will see them on the road with the TiredSole™ Car

Jennifer RPN Advanced Diabetic Foot Care Nurse

Jenn RPN takes Laser apt’s in clinic and you can see her in some of our Senior residences like Forest Hill, Gloucester Senior Centre and around the community

Brittany RPN works in our main clinic  around the city. You also can find her at some of our Senior Facilities

Cindy RPN ( Nurse Purse ) Assistant Educator for Clinical/ TiredSole™ Buisness Foot Print

#teamwork #phones #organize.        Diane is the Manager of clinical practice and keeps our TiredSole™ Organized ( left )

 Erin answers the phones and helps Diane plan and book Nursing Apt’s/ ERIN also helps out as a porter at Granite Ridge assisting the RN with Foot Care to be sure our Memory care residents get the Proper care they deserve


Debbie RC FCN is our west end Community and Granite Ridge clinic nurse


Fatima RPN Advanced Diabetic Foot Care Nurse – East End of the city and Downtown Community Visits

 Olivia RN ( left) Laser tech in the main clinic


Cathy P RPN FCN  Community Visits and Tamir

Lisa Garland RPN FCN CAFCN Ed Lead Educator TiredSole™ Business Foot Print

TiredSole™ Business Foot Print Class Offered 3x a year