Laser Wart Treatment

The number of laser treatments will depend on many factors such as:

The age and type of wart (mosaic and common warts are harder to treat).

2) Any previous OTC treatments received. These treatments may have created scar tissue around and on top of the affected area, in turn increasing the time required to draw the roots out from under that tissue.

3) Age of the patient and their tolerance level. It is recommended that young     children under 12 use Emla (a numbing cream available at the pharmacy or here in the clinic).

After Care

The laser is superficial, so no blood or drainage should occur. You will be able to continue with your everyday, normal activities after the treatments.

If you experience any adverse reactions or severe pain within the first 24-48 hours after treatment, please call the office to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Some patients (mostly kids) may experience callous build up due to friction. This is the body’s way of protecting itself from the cauterizing. Each visit, the laser draws more capillaries to the surface of the skin, which may make the wart look bigger, appearing to not be healing or diminishing. Once the extra skin is reduced you will have a better idea of the results.

If pain does occur, likely from the callous build up, please call the office to make a footcare appointment to have the affected area reduced and inspected.

Please be sure that once wart treatment has been started that you follow it through to the best of your ability. Follow up should be every 4 weeks after your initial treatment.

Disinfect your shoes after treatment with an anti-fungal spray and bring a clean pair of socks to wear after treatment.
Follow-up / Maintenance
Once the nurse feels that the roots have hit the surface and there is no longer pain with pressure, we ask that before your next treatment you use a foot file to get rid of the extra dead tissue on the wart. At this time you will be able to see if the capillaries are gone.
If you feel that the area is clear then you may cancel your pre-booked appointment.

Please do not pick or file the affected area unless you have received the go ahead from your nurse. Premature filing or picking may cause the new capillaries under the dead skin to spread, if disrupted to early.

We sell BioTEXT spray at the Clinic that kills bacteria and spores. It will help limit the spread of fungal spores and virus’ after swimming, gymnastics and so on. It can be used in all shoes and also can be used on your hands.

If you have any questions or would like to send a picture inquiry, please feel free to contact a nurse at

[email protected]