Late Arrival / Cancellation / Missed Appointment Policy

Our goal at TiredSole™ is to provide you and your family with convenient, accessible, high quality foot care.  In order for us to assure this level of care to all of our patients, it is important that patients arrive on time for all scheduled appointments or cancel appointments at least 24-hours in advance.  This policy allows us to make better use of our available appointments for those patients in need of care.


Late Arrivals:


When a patient arrives late, the time spent with the patient is minimized and does not allow for a full assessment or complete services.  It also disrupts the schedules of our providers and other patients.


Patients, who arrive more than 10-minutes late for their appointment time, may be asked to reschedule their appointment and a late fee will be charged.


Late fee, in clinic appointments: $25



Last Minute Cancellations and Missed Appointments:


We do require 24-hour notice on all cancellations, and this must be done by calling the clinic.  As a courtesy to our patients, we try to confirm all appointments by email reminder or by phone.  This policy applies to both in-clinic and in-home visits.  We do recognize that situations arise that are out of your control; however, it is imperative that you contact our office immediately to notify us of your cancellation in a timely manner.


Last-Minute Cancellations: $25


Anyone who forgets or misses their appointment will be considered a “no show” and will be charged for the missed appointment.


No Show fee, in clinic appointments: $25

            No Show fee, in home appointments (travel involved): $65


All fees shall be paid prior to your next appointment.


There is no charge for rescheduling or cancelling an appointment if we are notified in a timely manner. Fees may be waived due to family or health emergencies at the discretion of the clinic