** The Clinic is Open with adjustments

** All Facility Visits have been put on hold according to the Ontario Health Guidelines ( call if urgent and we can see what we can do )

We have re opened the main clinic and ask that you enter the building as per usual but exist by the side door to insure social distancing in the stairwell. If you happen to be in the clinic waiting while another patient is waiting, you will asked to head to the education room to wait for your Nurse ( turn on the TV ) and relax. We ask when entering for your appointment that you head to the furthest couch so you have the appropriate distance from Erin or Manon. Please Thank the ADMN team and Nurse willing to provide the care, without them the could not be possible and your care could have possibly been suspended for months as the city gets hold of this Virus to contain its spread. If we all work together we can get this done.

Team TiredSole™

Try Out our New Telehealth Virtual Assessment Feature 

** Home Visits / Clinic

With PPE supplies in high demand it is a must to have these essential protective equipment. Please be patient while we schedule a Nurses that is able and willing to get to your area. If you need an apt, or have an urgent on going issue PLEASE book sooner then later !

** If you have a foot or leg related question and in need of an assessment before you book your apt, book an online  tele health assessment – Free during this Covid 19 outbreak ( 15min )
