Hi everyone,

Keeping with the changes of this ever growing mess of what is 2020, I thought it was time for a quick update on what’s happening with the opening of phase 3 and facilities giving access to essential care workers, also working with half our TiredSole™ Team while still trying to fill the demands of overdue care. WE have been trying to adjust the best we can and always at the forefront of any decision, we always try and have the patients best interests at heart.

We have been assured that once having access to the City of Ottawa homes ( we are calling now for our lists ) The facility will have a single room for us and their support staff will be bringing down your loved ones for care and cleaning the room post every apt. The Nurse of course will be in Full PPE as always, pls have your family member wear a mask (if possible) to further protect them and or if it will make them feel more at ease.  Please be aware that because of the extra time needed between patients and the fact that most patients in the facilities have not had an apt since Mid February, we have made the decision to make everyone an initial visit to allow for more time. WE have noted in the past that months without care cause longer visits and Nurses not wanting to leave without providing proper care causes a huge back log with their caseload not to mention angry patients waiting for their late nurse. If you can’t do a job right, don’t attempt to do half ass right ? My Teams standards are higher then that, we would not, could not walk away without providing the best care. I’m sorry if this decision has caused ill will toward us and understand if you want to cancel services. However – PLEASE PLEASE when finding another provider, ask if they autoclave their tools. The instruments for Foot Care must be sterilized and opened right in front of you prior to care. More then ever we have to minimize cross contamination to lower the risk of infection and now Covid-19 spread.

We do have some Nurses providing visits in the community but have a wait- list and about 3 weeks of a list of patients. We are doing our best with the hand we have been dealt, so please re consider yelling at admin when frustration hits, we do not want the part of our team working the front line going into multiple homes and or facilities so we are down 5 Nurses. Your safety along with ourselves is of the upmost importance and we will not jeopardize anyone’s health in this process.  If you have any questions about our process or concerns about care,please call the office or email www.tiredsole.com . We are still requesting that if you are mobile, that you please make an in clinic visit to help reduce wait times for our non mobile, memory care patients whom do not have a choice but not stay home. Thanks so so much for your Support and understanding

Sincerely yours,

TiredSole™ Team